Losing more employees

Found out today that we have lost the person who cooks bacon already, another one is out for 3 months (probably forever) and another one has given a 2 week notice.

We are already severly understaffed and now it will just get worse.

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Monday for me

After a nice 3 day weekend, it is time to go back to work once again. I wonder how many of us there will be tonight?

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End of the shorter work week

I only had to work 4 days this week and still get paid for 5. Tonight I can just relax and do absolutely nothing.

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Wreck on the Laughlin bridge

Last night there was a lovely wreck on the bridge, apparently a tanker truck lost its brakes and hit several cars and a motorcycle. This shut down the Hwy 95 / Hwy 163 interchange. This forced me to take a 15 mile route to get back to where I could see.

I had to take the same route this morning as they still did not have the intersection open 9.5 hours later.

  My lovely route

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Monday again

The start of another week is upon me.

Looks like tonight will be a cool one as it is raining outside right now.

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Another week over with

I ended up having to work last night and have now been promised that I will have next Tuesday off instead. We will see when the new schedule goes up.

Today is also payday so I will sleep about 4 hours and then go get my money and get it into the bank so I can pay the car loan.

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I think I will actually get to bed earlier today, yesterday I really did not get enough sleep before working through the night.

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Sunday Morning

Another night over with, I am hoping that I only have 2 days left in this week. The current schedule shows me as working on Tuesday, but that is also the day that I was taking my “Holiday” on.

We will just have to wait and see come Monday.

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Carving night

Hopefully this night we will have better looking food than what we had last night, I almost hate Fridays anymore.

It is also carving night, so that should help a bit on the tips.

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Monday :(

It is my Monday again, I get to go back to work tonight.

Of course I still have that cold so I will have to get something to keep me going through the night.

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