Going to get a little bit colder.

Looks like I can almost shut down the swamp cooler as highs are finally going down under 80 here in Golden Valley.

That means I can drain it, clean and wrap it up for winter, then cover over that window as well.

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My team finally won a game

After a 3 game losing streak, the Seahawks met up with another division opponent and crushed them.

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Almost done

Window was finally returned today and now I only have 2 windows and the back door to cover with plastic for winter.

Of course we are still getting up to the 80’s during the day, but dropping down to the 50’s at night.

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Only thing missing is the window

They got the roof done, the siding fixed and the fence done today, now I just have to wait for the window to come back from the glass place and everything will be done.

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Storm repairs

Work is beginning on the repairs to the place today.

New roof on the garage, fix broken window, fix siding and repair fence.

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Relaxation, movie & football

A day off for me and I think I will go rent a movie to watch.

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Another week almost over with

We had another unannounced bus this morning 15 minutes before we normally shut down the buffet so we can clean and get lunch out, we ended up extending breakfast until 11:10 and then scrambled to quickly set up lunch for the people waiting for it.

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I only had to go home early for that one day, back to full time work the next day, Now I only have tomorrow to work and it will be the weekend.

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I managed to catch a cold that is going around at work and ended up leaving work early today.

Yesterday I managed to throw up half of what I ate for dinner right after I got home.

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