Ordered case and motherboard

I just ordered a mid-tower case and a MSI Micro ATX motherboard, once they arrive I can get my quad core up and running full speed.

Then I just need to pick up a small Sata drive and a Power supply and get the 530S running as well.

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Processor upgrade problem

Looks like my motherboard does not support a quad processor so I will not be able to do that upgrade.

Looks like I will just have to get that new motherboard and work on building into a new case.

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Computer upgrade tomorrow

Tomorrow when I get off work I will be installing some new hardware in my PC desktop

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Sunday afternoon activity

I am going to get active in the SCA again after almost 20 years away. I need something to do that will get me out of the house that does not involve going to work.

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Mattress has arrived

I get to sleep on a new mattress tonight.

It has to be much better that what I have been sleeping on.

The floor probably would have been better than the old one, but I would have gotten too cold that way.

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New mattress soon

Now that my tax refund has arrived I can finally order a new mattress for my bed.

The current one is older than I am.

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Long way to work

This morning I had to take the long way to work as AZDOT closed I-40 this morning, mainly because of ice on the hill leading up to Loves truck stop.

This involves going down Hualapai Mountain Rd to DW ranch Rd and getting back on I-40 at a different exit.

It only added about 10 extra miles to my trip this morning.

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Revamped my website

I decided yesterday to make a few changes as I had it pretty much on the dull side.

Weather forcast calls for more rain today with highs in the mid 40’s and lows in the upper 30’s for the next week.

I want to get back to my 70’s!!

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And still waiting

Still no W2, I wonder if they even managed to get them mailed by the 31st!!

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Still waiting

Another day and no W2, I want it now!!

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