Weird work weeks upcoming

Next week will be a weird schedule as I will work on Monday and Tuesday and have Wednesday off, then work Thursday and Friday and have Saturday off. Then I get to work Sunday through Friday before I get back to my normal days off.

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Relaxation time again

My week is finally over and now I really want a beer!!

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Work week over, now to relax and get ready for the cleaning tomorrow and SCA on Sunday.

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2 days left in this week

Weekend is approaching fast, but I have a lot of work to do this weekend.

Clean up the house and organize the clutter in various places, inspection is next week most likely.

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WordPress updated to 2.8.1

Just installed the update to the official release, was running the beta versions and RC for a while.

Most likely I will switch over to 2.8.2 dev builds in a couple of days.

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Heat sink fun

I am trying to get my heat sink to connect properly to the CPU of the quad, I tried one with the clips and that one only managed to connect on the 2 edges and my CPU was running hot.

I just got a new one that has a connection plate and am working on getting it to connect correctly.

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Paid to sit at home

Since today is a federal holiday, and I have it off.

I get paid 8 hours at my base wage to do nothing but surf, watch TV and play games.

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