Changed water pump

I bought and installed a new water pump for my swamp cooler today, the old one just was not putting out much pressure this year and it was getting hot inside the trailer.

Currently I am working on fixing a co-workers old Dell B-110, the OS was messed up and I have managed to get it mostly up and running now.

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Another hot one

Today I did the first load of laundry and tomorrow I will do the rest.

Just made my bed with nice fresh sheets, but did not put the blanket on.

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Work week over with

Now I can just relax over Mothers day weekend.

Temps are forecast to be in the upper 90’s for the next 10 days at least, luckily I have both the swamp cooler and the AC unit to keep me cool.

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First day of swingshift

Today is done, I just have to do a swingshift tomorrow and then return at 7AMis on Friday.

Current temperature outside is 76, tomorrow it will be 95!!

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Laundry done

Got my laundry washed and it is now hanging out on the line.

No fighter practice this week due to other events happening this weekend.


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Couple days off

I tried to see about getting the phone replaced yesterday, but there was a line at the main office and it did not move an inch during the 20 minutes that I waited. I am going to try the email approach and see if that helps.

This weekend will be a do nothing weekend.

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Cell phone

I managed to break the screen on my cell phone, so now I have to see what my options will be.

Might be a warm one today, high around 83.

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Picture of the current setup

Here is what my 2 main computers look like.

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Back to work tomorrow

I actually get to work in the buffet tomorrow morning.

I wonder if I can remember how to do it after several weeks of not doing mornings.

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Cold and windy

Today it is predicted to only hit 67 and the wind is coming out of the west @26 MPH.

Luckily I don’t have to go anywhere today and I can do my laundry tomorrow.

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