SCA Events upcoming

I have 2 more events that I plan on attending in the next couple of months,

1: Crusader Walk
        This is an unofficial event and will happen at Red Lake, which is north of Kingman. It will be a recreation of the Crusader march from the middle ages.
May 7th & 8th

2: Highlands War
        This is a event sponsored by the Barony of Ered Sul (Flagstaff, AZ), it is held at Mormon Lake.
June 3rd to the 6th.

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Around the house stuff

I changed out the belt on the swamp cooler yesterday, now it sounds better. Still need to get 3 new pads though.

Still need to fix up the lights outside as they are not really hanging correctly right now.

Next weekend I will actually have it off as I will be doing the Wasteland War Games here in Kingman/Windale.

Still need to order 80 gallons of propane as I am down to 18% in the tank, but I hope to last a bit longer, it has been a year though!!

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Second day off this week coming up

I actually have Easter off this year and I most likely will be doing nothing at all this year.

Just upgraded WordPress to 3.0b1, I was running the 3.0 alpha builds for a while.

I still need to get that other tire, but will most likely wait until after the next paycheck.

Just ordered a couple of books as they were some I was waiting for.

Also need to order some more work shirts as mine are starting to look bad, stained and all that which will not come out in the wash.

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Week of hell almost over with

Today started out with a bang, literally. I blew the right rear tire on the car and had to put the donut on to get to work.

I ended up buying 2 used tires as another one had a serious bubble developing on it, I still need to get one more to replace the left rear.

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Swamp Cooler Running

I ended up cleaning the swamp cooler today and now have it filled with water to cool the place down a little bit.

Still need a new belt and possibly new pads as well.

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Spring is coming

I uncovered the windows in the trailer yesterday, that way I can get some airflow in the place.

I still have to buy a new belt for the swamp cooler and then clean it up for summer.

I also have to get that new control module for the A/C unit so it can be used as well if needed.

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Posting from Macjournal

Only one more day and then I hopefully will have a day off, of course the schedule has not been put up yet either.

It is starting to warm up and I might have to start getting the swamp cooler ready for another summer soon.

At least tomorrow is payday.

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People looking at the trailer

I hope this place does not sell all that fast as I really do not want to have to pack it all up and move somewhere else.

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New Windshield

Just had my windshield replaced this morning.

It had 2 large cracks, one on either side of the windshield.

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Bunch of little stuff

Still waiting on my refund, but it should be in Friday.

Had to replace the low beams on my car as one died in the last couple of days.

I thought I had fried the logic board on my 530S while trying to do a case transplant, but turns out it might have been a short to ground as it fired right up when I put it back into the original case. Now I have a case and a logic board to work with for something.

Looks like my hours should go back up a bit as we are losing one of our cooks here in a week.

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