Looking for a good distro

I put the 640 GB drive in the dell

Now I just have to find a good usable distro to keep the machine working on SETI and Milkyway.

I have to share the monitor between the two though, or figure out how to VNC into it.

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Quad core up and running.

I got my quad core running finally, have it slightly overclocked to 2.4 GHz..

I had to install Windows 7 as my Vista install was locked to the dell logicboard.

I might eventually get something else to install on it, but for now it runs just fine.

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One more item left

I only need a power supply for the quad core and it will finally be finished and up and running.

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Revamped my website

I decided yesterday to make a few changes as I had it pretty much on the dull side.

Weather forcast calls for more rain today with highs in the mid 40’s and lows in the upper 30’s for the next week.

I want to get back to my 70’s!!

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