Refugee from the old Lunatics Site

Started by ausymark, August 27, 2011, 10:06:13 AM

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Hi arkan

Well I've gone and migrated over to Ubuntu from Mandriva Linux.

The install was pretty painless, and for the sake of jumping into the deep end I decided to play with the Beta of 11.10 - which solved problems with printer drivers etc.

Setting up Seti and CUDA was an interesting challenge however.

I removed the nveau drivers to ensure Ubuntu was using the nVidia drivers.

In Mandriva I had BOINC/Seti setup under my HOME directory. Trying the same thing under Ubuntu for some reason generated computation errors - and unexpectedly so on CPU tasks!

It wasn't long before I used the DEB repositories to download the Boinc Manager and Seti program itself - in fact the updated seti also used CUDA! (This impressed me lol). So, it seems I dont have to mess around with seti/cuda anywhere near as much as i needed to in the past.

So the SETI drivers loaded seam to do standard seti, astropulse and CUDA. So the question is do you know how efficient is this latest release of SETI compared to everything thats gone before it?

Its marked as "Setiathome_enhanced" Version 513 with the actual program called "setiathome_enhanced". Any ides?



5.13 is actually a older version, still compatible for the time being but will be replaced when they get v7 out of beta. I know the v6 was a little bit faster that v5.

And seeing that Lunatics has made the x36k version publicly available, you should try it out again.

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